Project with Yiran Zhao | SILVER Premiere: June 22 | Basel Metallbau
The word silver has different meanings as a noun, adjective, and verb. It is very inspiring to focus on this one element in its diverse aspects. Yiran Zhao
SILVER challenges KlangLab to engage with metal objects and instruments in a grammatically differentiated exploration of the word “silver,” developed by Yiran Zhao. The composition delves into the various semantic horizons that “silver” encompasses as a noun, adjective, and verb. Structured into five parts, the composition explores the semantic richness of the word “silver” utilizing various techniques: at times, performers delve into meditative frequencies transmitted onto resonating sheets of silver foil through small speaker membranes, while at others, silvery timbres resonate in instrumental and vocal sounds. Humorous fingerplays and hand gestures drive the exploration of “silver,” occasionally placing small metal objects as actors at the forefront of attention.
Duration: 65 minutes
KlangLab: Adrián Albaladejo, Trombone, Metal Objects | Bertrand Gourdy, Metal Objects | Dino Georgeton, Metal Objects | Zacarias Maia, Metal Objects | Chris Moy, E-Guitar, Metal Objects | Anat Nazarathy, Flute, Metal Objects
Post-concert discussion moderation: Michael Kunkel
Photos ©Nora Sobbe