MusikLab for Kids
Exploring the diverse ways of attentive listening with children and initiating a reflection on listening habits is a goal that KlangLab pursues through the MusikLab for Kids. The musicians invite you to develop small-scale compositions with children and subsequently perform them. The ensemble's experiences from collaborative processes with composers are integrated into music education, aiming to explore an approach to sound that transcends a discipline-oriented perspective, one that moves beyond a dichotomy of musicians as interpreters and composers as creators.

The MusikLab for Kids as a guest in the Foyer Public of the Theater Basel
A project by the KlangLab ensemble that invites you to experiment with sound together with the ensemble's musicians. Everyday materials such as water, stones, plastic bottles and leaves will be used. We will explore ecosystems through sound and perform a small soundscape at the end.

On 17 April 2024 between 14:00 and 17:00. During this period, guided experimentation will take place three times for approx. 20 minutes. In the phases in between, the individual sound stations are available for free experimentation.

We are guests in the Foyer Public of the Basel Theatre. Three sound stations will be installed at different locations in the foyer.

For whom?
The Music Lab for Kids is open to everyone aged 4 - 14.


Photo ©Santiago Villar Martín

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